
In 2017, with help of our Chinese ambassador, Mr Wang Ruijun, Former Director-General of the National Center for Science and Technology Evaluation, China, DQ Institute was able to bring #DQEveryChild movement to the most populous country in the world for the first time. An advocate of digital citizenship education, Ruijun gladly reached out to a school in his sphere of influence in Beijing and offered it the opportunity to participate in 2017 DQ Screen Time Study. This Study gives the school a preliminary review of their students’ exposure to cyber risks and digital use habits, in addition to setting the groundwork for further collaborations with DQ Institute in 2018 for an implementation of the DQ World programme in China.

DQ movement was also made possible in China through the network of our Outreach (Schools) and Marketing Manager, Ms Ruth Jin. Reaching out to her contacts, she managed to get 3 other neighbourhood schools in Fujian and Liaoning provinces to join the DQ Screen Time Study. Although lacking in basic infrastructure and internet connectivity, these schools printed out the survey and administer it offline to the students. The contacts of Ms Jin in China even volunteered to enter the data online from the filled out hardcopies of the Study.

Thanks to these people, more than 400 students were reached and brought into the DQ movement of empowering children with digital citizenship skills.

Don’t teach your kids coding, teach them how to live online

“Don’t teach your kids coding,” says New York Times journalist Thomas Friedman. “Well – teach it if you want. But before you teach them coding, teach them digital civics: how to talk to one another on the internet, how to understand fact from fiction. READ MORE

Singapore and Australia First to Launch DQ Institute Cyber-risk Reporting System…

· Cyber-risk help reporting system for children can detect a child’s exposure to various cyber-risks and provide opportunities to proactively intervene.
· Singapore and Australia will be the first countries to pilot the system through public-private partnerships with DQ Institute. READ MORE


From Our Partner

Helen Maisano

Associate Director, Group Sustainability, Optus

“The DQ Index Australia will offer ground-breaking information and insights into the risk areas for Australian children, and aligns with the Optus mission which is to create empowered and responsible digital citizens that thrive in today’s world of technology.”


Anthony Eisentrager

Head, BounceED Idea

“Aligning with the Australian Curriculum Reference and having a wealth of comprehensive materials for teachers and students, I’m convinced that the DQ Programme has the most to offer young students in terms of digital citizenship learning. We need to make this program available to every child in every state of Australia.”